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Performers on the Go

PR surrounds Elliot Wren’s new songs

There is a lot to do to manage the marketing of a new release, so much so that artists heads spin like crazy, and they become overwhelmed with the promotion process.

Determining what to focus on first is the challenge…song promotion, PR, direct marketing campaigns? Many forget the impact PR can have on a new release, and it requires a dedicated plan, consistent marketing, updated website, an attention getting song pitch, bio and EPK. In order to embark on a PR marketing campaign, you need to have your online presence solid and well-branded.

Performers on the Go artist, 18-year-old singer/songwriter Elliot Wren, has been successful in getting the attention of music publications for the promotion of their first two releases, “Good Luck” and “RIP my Diary”. What is great about PR is that you can multi-purpose it and add it to your blog, website, EPK and other promotions and branded marketing. There are many different types of PR articles you can focus on for your music, including Q&A blogs and independent reviews. Below are some PR highlights on Elliot’s two releases.

“Good Luck” is a feisty yet compassionate infusion of slick and stylistic Rock and accessibly soulful Pop. The snappy lyrics are packed with compassion, if you’re looking for a little aural empowerment to restore the balance of your self-worth, hit play.”-AnR Factory

“Stereo Stickman’s online music magazine describes “RIP My Diary” as an “addictive pop-punk-esque hook, even feeling a little like a country pop fusion track, with a dash of Taylor and even a hint of early Avril to it. Stickman also embraced the catchy and beautifully performed song, with its mighty hook section that resolves well and is later followed by an impassioned middle-8 that furthers the empowering, rising energy of the whole thing.”-Stereo Sickman

“After just moving back home to escape an abusive relationship, they wrote the song to try and grapple with the reality of the situation. This song has great music to listen to or dance to. The vocals are great with excellent background harmony. The drums and bass keep it at a fun tone. Check it out and leave your feedback below”.-Reinland

“RIP My Diary” is a self-love anthem that encourages listeners to live life to their fullest and move on from those who are holding them back. Artists like Elliot Wren are champions and advocates of inclusion and diversity and we are excited to read more pages from their diary this year”.-Celeb Secrets

“Despite the raw emotions, the song has sweetness and innocence portrayed throughout its pop layered vocals and catchy melodies. The subtle demeanor Elliot portrays works to show her confidence in the belief all will be okay. The empowering lyrics slide through effective dynamics to convey the struggles within the relationship.”-Amelia Vandergast/AnR Factory

“Hailing from Boston, the non-binary singer Elliot Wren writes and sings the first single ‘RIP My Diary’ with teenage romance galore in every symphony. The most delightful voice of this year, Elliot Wren comes to prominence for the first time during the most shambolic state in the whole world, with a beautiful breakup and empowering single RIP My Diaryproduced by BKY Music. It is released on Spotify this month and it can be heard on all the major streaming sites. Being an 18-year-old non-binary singer, they have experienced many hard falls in love but that has not destroyed their strong hearts. It is their debut single that sings about the best outcome from the worst decision of a breakup with breathless hooks.”-Your Digital Wall

“Any fans of Taylor Swift’s sticky-sweet bubblegum Pop style will definitely want to consider the single “RIP my Diary” for their playlists. It’s instantly accessible and the melodies aren’t shy about sticking to your synapses for a long while after you’ve heard them. It really wouldn’t be a surprise to hear Elliot Wren’s future soundscapes in the OST’s for feel-good films. It’s got that boundless emotively captive appeal which debut singles very infrequently offer.”-Amelia Vandergast/AnR Factory

“Elliot Wren is just a teen who likes to write journals about their day-to-day incidents with random aspects and rainbow colors. Their high school experiences of love and friendship make their compositions an expressive open note of their insight. Standing at the juncture of life, the agender singer portrays their best versions through lyrical mastery. They have already become famous for their live gigs around the city and now they are all set to explore Pop music to the next level by recording singles that will be coming out in August 2020”. -Issue Wire

“Very good debut single for this girl, a solid pop alternative track that brings my mind debut album by Avril Lavigne almost 20 years ago…only two-tracks so far but a tone of streams for both, waiting for an EP or maybe a debut album for next year.”-JP Chief

“Elliot’s ability to make the lyrics relatable and genuine, makes one feel the release of emotions throughout the song. The pop hooks stick with you long after the first listen, and boppy sing-along vocals have a genuine innocence that brings home the reality of the situation.”-Performers on the Go

“Elliot Wren’s music takes you on a journey through their experiences with their raw lyrics and expressive sound. Elliot reveals their substantive soul through the lyrics and arrangements they write and the ease at which they capture your heart.”-Queer Women in Boston

All this impressive PR also impacts the overall marketing success of the artist. Elliot has reached impressive numbers on Spotify with both tracks combined attracting over 209,404 streams.

All this great PR should not be forgotten, and can be used effectively in many ways. It is recommended artists thank the bloggers for the PR, as it paves the way for added PR to follow on future releases. Let us know if we can help, as we have our own active database of 500+ great blogs to pitch to.

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